Thursday, February 26, 2015

Trinity UCC Lenten Devotional February 26, 2015

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26th:                                                   

Nancy Boorman

1 Kings 19: 11-13

Each of us has an inner room where we can visit to be cleansed of fear-based thoughts and feelings. This room, the holy of holies, is a sanctuary of light.
Marianne Williamson

Oh God, help me care for myself so that I may care for others.  Help me turn down the volume of all the noise that prevents me from listening to the sometimes too quiet whisper of my heart and respond to your guidance.

So often as a student minister I felt like Elijah, so very zealous for the Lord. Earnestly working, diligently persevering through sleepy days, difficult situations and life split between seminary, family, and my new found church family. All of who seemed to need every ounce of me, which of course I was more than willing to give. Wasn’t that what I was supposed to do? God had called me, so I was answering, and this was what was needed, to pour myself fully out to the last drop. I took no Sabbath rest nor time to reenergize my zeal for the Lord, I just kept giving. Just as Christ felt a portion of power leave him when the woman touched his robe in the streets of the city as he walked amongst the crowds I too felt my energy draining. I did not heed the warnings signs nor did I slow my pace. If anything I frantically picked up the pace. An acute lack of self-care lead me to the brink of collapsing and to a wakeup call for refuge and sanctuary for my own self.
I was the Elijah of verse 9 in the book of 1 Kings, full of zeal for the Lord. However, now it was time to be the Elijah of the cave, waiting for the still small voice of the Lord, the gentle breeze. You see in my frantic need to be poured out I had drowned out the voice which filled me to the brim for the work I was called to. I stood in the wind, in the earthquake and in the fire and then had no stillness within me to stand at the door and feel the gentle breeze and the whisper of the Almighty.
Looking back it was a short coming on my part that I am glad I learned about early in my career. In our fast pace culture that thrives on busyness and effort we ALL to often forget to seek refuge from the noise and clutter we call life. We feel it is selfish to place our need for sanctuary and refuge above our To-Do-List. It’s not selfish, it’s necessary. We must rest if we wish to finish the race. We must seek refuge if we wish to endure the storms that lie in wait for us. We must take sanctuary for our bodies, and souls. Gratefully I have learned to rest my mind and still my body so I may hear the gentle breeze and re fill my well with what is needed to continue my journey. Gratefully I seek refuge, some times in a day, an hour or a minute that I can steal away from the rush of life and be still and know my God.
Have you taken a deep breath today? I mean a truly deep breath that fills you followed by a long exhale that calms your body and mind? Can you carve out a portion for refuge and sanctuary? The Lord is waiting for you, will you follow the gentle breeze and still small voice?

Writing Prompts:
·         “In order to take care of others, I must first…”
·         “When I close my eyes, and take a deep breathe I feel…”


Bless the care takers.  Give them time for rest and renewal. Provide sources to restore their spirits and lighten their burdens so they can better serve, teach, feed, clothe, heal, counsel, minister and provide for those in their care.

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