Friday, April 3, 2015

Trinity United Church of Christ Lenten Devotions for Good Friday, April 3, 2015 Obedience

Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry his cross
            "As they led Jesus away, they seized a man, Simon of Cyrene, who was coming from the country, and they laid the cross on him, and made him carry it behind Jesus." Luke 23:26
by  Kevan Franklin
On Good Friday we recall the Stations of the cross.  Our devotion today focuses on the fifth station, Simon carrying the Cross for Jesus.
The story is entirely believable.
Jerusalem would have been packed with visitors on pilgrimage to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover.  Simon would have traveled about 1000 miles from Northern Africa to be in the crowd of onlookers the day Jesus was crucified. Cyrene is what we know today as Libya which at the time also had a Jewish colony living there, about 100,000 people.
What must Simon have thought about this foreign town under domination from Rome?  Lining the streets into town the  Centurion executioners were eager to provide a demonstration of what happens to people who get out of line.  They even benefited from this practice as every once in a while they would cast lots to see who gets the deceased's clothes. 
We don't know why Simon was chosen.  Maybe he was a big, strong guy.  Maybe he leaned out to see what was happening a bit too far and a Centurion grabbed him by the collar and dragged him out of the crowd.  Maybe he willingly moved closer to Jesus and demonstrated compassion in his time of need.  We don't know.  All scripture says is he was "seized" or "Compelled"  to carry the cross for Jesus.
Simon's motives for carrying Jesus' cross are never revealed.  Simon was like any of us who have slowed down to see an accident. We've all been there. He was just there at the moment when Jesus couldn't carry his cross any further. We've all been there too.  We find someone homeless, or injured, or in distress and we are compelled to step in and help them in a moment of need.
Jesus carry hi.
Isn't this the way you came into service to Jesus?  Someone asked you to carry someone else's cross.  You took them food.  You carried them down the road.  You befriended a total stranger.  God calls us through the everyday circumstances of our lives. 
We can only wonder what the rest of Simon's life journey was like.  Scripture is silent about that.  What we do know is that Cyrene became an important early center for the Church. Maybe Simon went home and told his friends the story. Maybe he was one of the witnesses to Christ's resurrection. We also know that helping others, whether someone else compels us to do so or we do it out of the "goodness of our heart" is transformative!
Lent Check;
When have you heard God's call through the needs of another?
When did someone pull you into a project or mission that transformed your life?
Make a commitment to help someone that you don't know.
Remember that there is a world of need out there.  Today, someone is walking the same
difficult road that Jesus walked. 
You do have the power to ease suffering.
 Lord,  Simon stood in for us when we couldn’t go forward with you.  Witnessing your courage and love, he became your friend and ours.  Give us courage to step forward when others can’t go on.  Amen. 

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