Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Trinity United Church of Christ Post-Easter Devotional for Wednesday, April 8, 2015 "God Still Speaks"

Judges 2: 18
18 Whenever the Lord raised up a judge for them, he was with the judge and saved them out of the hands of their enemies as long as the judge lived; for the Lord relented because of their groaning under those who oppressed and afflicted them
 by Nancy Boorman
Investigative reporter and author Lee Strobel, took on his hardest topic to date, faith, when he wrote a series of books that became best sellers, selling millions of copies. One of the books, a Case for Faith, possess the question, “How can there be a good and loving God when so many bad things happen in the world.”  Strobel was an atheist and wanted to prove the absence of God but in the process of his research was converted to Christianity based on what he heard. Why, he asked if there is a God does he allow such bad things to happen, why does God not interfere. The question Strobel asked is one many people ask. It is also a question we all form our own understanding around. It is a question the ancient Hebrews struggled with as well, we see it so well in the book of Judges.
In the book of Judges we have a cycle of idolatry by the Hebrews, hard times befall them and they cry out to God. God answers them by raising up a judge to champion the people. The people rejoice but the cycle soon begins yet again.
In today’s world where we as God’s people still seek a champion God still answers by raising up a champion.  People like, Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, Mother Teresa, the Freedom Riders, Sojourn Truth, Fredrick Douglas, Harvey Milk, the textile workers who strike, the immigrant workers who band together to fight the sweat shop conditions,  NOH8 and organizations like them, and our very own United Church of Christ. All raised up by God to champion the people. God is speaking in and through people like this. He is still speaking through each of us each time we take a stand against something we know is wrong, each time we champion the weak and the helpless. Each time we invite, embrace and champion love, God is speaking.
Is God calling you to be a champion, to be his voice?
Prayer: Lord, in your grace and mercy you strengthen us to be your hands and feet in this broken world.
Give us the strength to reach deep inside and be your voice. Call us to the dark places where there is need. Give us a heart like Jesus for your people. Amen
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
Martin Luther King Jr.,
I Have a Dream: Writings and Speeches That Changed the World

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