Monday, March 2, 2015

Trinity UCC Lenten Devotion for Monday, March 2nd, 2015 "Healing" by Rhonda Edgerton

March 2


Scripture: Mark 10:51-52 Jesus said "Go; your faith has made you well."

The Lord never fails to amaze me. God can and does work though the rough spots of our lives even if we can’t see or feel it at the time. Life is so often understood backwards.  I find myself often drawn to people who have faced great adversity and overcome it. I see such strength in the healing struggle, and I see so much of God in it. We all have a story to tell, never underestimate the power of yours.

“I faced some pretty serious health conditions this past year. First, in August, I was diagnosed with dementia and hospitalized because my kidneys and liver had begun to shut down. I was advised by doctors to "get my things in order." Things looked bleak but just in time an astute doctor recognized my symptoms as chronic lithium toxicity. I was taken off of a handful of medications and my health improved dramatically in a matter of days.

Then I fell in the shower in October, suffering a broken nose, concussion and broken tibia. Just as I thought I was recovering from these injuries, I was diagnosed with CRPS/RSD - a debilitating chronic pain condition that carries a rather hopeless prognosis of being "progressive and irreversible."

This seemed to be the proverbial "wake up call." Was I right with myself, my family, my community and God? Convinced God must be keeping me here for some reason, I determined to figure out how I could deal with all this. A former athlete, I hit the gym for intense physical therapy and rehab. A teacher, I researched and read all I could get my hands on. I changed my diet; I learned to meditate.

Things seemed to be improving, but something was still missing. I returned to church. The welcome I received -- after years of not attending -- was warm, welcoming and nonjudgmental. I was invited to become an active and contributing part of the congregation. I believe this fellowship is a crucial method of God's healing power.

I'm convinced my health troubles in part were a result of misplaced faith. Faith in only myself. In well-intentioned but misguided healthcare providers. ("Here, just take this pill and everything will be okay.") Faith in pop culture fads and outright charlatans.

A couple weeks ago I was examined by an OSU specialist. The most recent MRIs showed there was literally no more evidence of the nerve condition with which I previously had been diagnosed. Terms such as "remarkable" and "spontaneous remission" were used to describe my recovery.

Was the relationship between my return to church and my healing simply coincidental? I hardly think so.” By Rhonda Edgerton

Are you working for your own healing? Are you seek God's help and the help of friends?  Examine your beliefs and expectations -- they are critical in the healing process.

 As Lyssa Rankin, MD, the author of "Mind over medicine" offers, "Let any health condition you face be an opportunity for spiritual awakening”

Prayer: Lord, our almighty physician, your grace and mercy are unending In the midst of my valley you drew me closer yet and worked through those who could and would help pull me out. My faith will evermore rest in your unfailing love. In your precious Sons name. AMEN.


Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.
Soren Kierkegaard

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