March 21st:
Jodi Kirk
Jeremiah 17:7-8
But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.
Poem #17
By Terri Gelzer
Shower me with kindness and good wishes
so I might tuck them away;
I will use them on a gray day
That finds me adrift in a sea of sad.
Shower me with hope and yeses
so I will remember it happens that way
I will keep learning even on a day
when I feel like my paper will come back
to me with a big fat F written across the top
written in red ink (of course)
maybe I will not be so afraid to fail.
Shower me with songs and stories
I want to know your heart
I might know myself better
especially if the same thing ever happens to me
I will listen to another world.
Take my hand
here is some soap
and water
We will be clean and shiny together
I struggle with the concept of “more”. I am constantly seeking…more. I have lofty ideals
and incredible visions of how things could
be …of how I should be. I yearn for MORE. I search for something BEYOND. I ache with the knowledge that
there is so much more to examine and
explore. I yearn to unearth more
depth, more understanding, more compassion, more hope, more love…to
discover a more realized and fuller
sense of me.
Every new year, every new season, every new month – heck - the beginning of each week, I am on the
hunt for ways to be …better … more efficient, more patient, more healthy, more
productive, more kind, more active, more loving, more organized, more creative,
more scholarly. I so badly want to be a
better mom, a better teacher, a better wife, a better sister, a better friend,
a better artist, a better cook, a better house keeper, a better
communicator. I am forever making
resolutions and promises to myself. I will play more, I will walk more, I will
read more, I will write more. I will sleep more, I will clean more, I will BE more.
I love dreaming and making plans. I love re-imagining
aspects of my life and have grand notions of creating vision boards and waking
early to meditate and do yoga and journal while sipping the perfect cup of
herbal tea, I come up with new systems to organize toys and legos (can one ever
really organize legos?) and elaborate chore charts that seem equitable and
break down the seemingly endless tasks of life into perfect, manageable chunks.
I come up with new exercise routines and lay out perfectly planned – and super
healthy – meals for the week ahead. I write
out to do lists and dream sheets which lay out my goals and hopes in what seems
to be orchestrated divinity.
Somehow, in spite of my vision, my hopes, my resolutions,
my planning and plethora of promises dishes still pile up in the sink, we end
up ordering pizza, I over sleep, the book I am trying to read remains
unfinished and my journal and vision board remain untouched.
Searching for the unobtainable “more” is great incentive
and calls for a great deal of reflection and invites wonder and possibility,
but it can also be disappointing. It can lead to a very real sense of not
measuring up. The quest for “more” can imply that somehow I am not enough.
The truth of the matter is that I am more that enough We
are ALL more than enough. Isn’t that , in large part, what Lent and Easter are
all about. We are God’s children and
even at our messiest, we are loved. In
the moments when we feel like we are doing nothing right, we are forgiven. When we feel like everything is hopeless, we
are given a second change, Every new day, every new moment, every new season,
every new year, provides each of us with the opportunity to stretch beyond our
comfort zones, to reach for something greater … something MORE … not because we
fall short or because we are unworthy but because we are so more than enough.
God has made it so.
Dear God, thank you for opening our eyes to new
possibilities. Thank you for knowing our full potential and guiding us to new
growth while loving us exactly as we are. Thank you for loving us through our
imperfections and failings and reminding us that we are worthy of your
goodness, your grace and your steadfast love.
This is beautiful Jodi. Thanks for sharing it Kevan. I'm missing TUCC and all the people there. BE home soon.