Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Trinity UCC Lenten Devotional for Wednesday, March 18, 2015 "Struggle" by Lynda Varno

Wednesday, March 18th:

By Lynda Varno


1 John 3:18

Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.




I call it the Jodilee Syndrome. Anyone knows that if the fabulous Jodi Kirk gently asks you to participate in something, that answer is always, "Yes!" No matter what it is, I always say, "Yes," to Jodi Kirk. This essay is one of those "Yeses!" Jodi has a beautiful, infectious magic about her that I'm pretty sure could change the world. Yes, the world needs more people just as lovely as Jodi Kirk. Why am I talking about Jodi when I am supposed to be delivering a piece on struggle? Well, isn't that question in itself the struggle? 


How often do you really, and I mean really, tell the people that you feel so wonderfully blessed by just how much their love impacts you? I struggle with this scenario far too much. There are so many people that I see on a usual basis; and yet, most of them have no clue how wonderful their presence makes me feel. I get so lost in going through the motions, or getting to the next meeting, that I constantly forget to talk about the important stuff. Stuff like, "Thank you," or "You are great,"  "I love you," "I need you," "I'd be lost without you, " "I'm so glad we're friends." Yes- these are the phrases that I struggle with. And; then again, I'm struggling with these words because it would require time. Isn't that a novel idea? Taking time to talk to people you love? Taking time to let people know how you feel? Being brave no matter the response? It can be difficult to tell people how you feel about them, but it takes courage to show them how you feel. 


Think of all the ways you show people that you love them. Think of all the ways that you demonstrate love to others. I hope that when my husband opens his lunch box at work he knows that the contents were made with love. I hope that when I drop my kids off at school and tell them to have a great day that they know that I love them and will miss them as soon as I step out the door. I hope when I hug my friends that they feel all the love, amazement, and thankfulness that I have for every single one of them. Yes, telling people how you feel is difficult, displaying love is difficult, but the STRUGGLE of never doing either of those things is ever more present. 


Stop the struggle. Stop the nagging inner-voice of nonsense. Stop the madness. Go out today and tell someone you love them. Go out today and hug someone that needs it. Go out today and tell your friend how much you love them and how very thankful you are for their love, support and constant presence. No matter what you do, DO something. Say something. Show someone love. Be the love that this world needs today. It starts with you, my friend. I'm blessed that you're reading this and I LOVE you; yes even you, too! 




Join with me in prayer: 

Heavenly Creator, thank you for the beautiful struggle of today. Thank you for the wondrous love you give to me, even when I feel I don't deserve it. Help me to foster your message of love in my heart and to share it with those who make my heart dance in joy. Help me to show love in the midst of daily struggles and to find the words to say it, Lord. Allow me to be filled by your grace, washed by your mercy and embraced in your goodness. Yes, Lord, I need you, I'm thankful for you and I'm so glad we're friends. Amen. And Amen. 



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