Saturday, February 14, 2015

Lenten Devotional Series 2015


The Season of Lent invites all of us to look within and examine the various landscapes of our heart and reflect upon our personal faith journey.  As we travel with Jesus through the wilderness, and explore his teachings and wade through the darkness of fear, betrayal, and death to the transcendence of his resurrection, we hope to help you to engage in new and ever meaningful ways. Each week we will be investigating the themes of the season through scripture, poetry, prayer, blessings and a vast array of personal stories, and reflections. 

We are seeking out members of all ages to share their thoughts about the following topics: Wilderness; Refuge/Sanctuary; Healing; Comfort; Struggle; Peace; Emergence/Transcendence;Obedience and the ways in which God is still speaking.  

We will share these reflections everyday throughout Lent electronically (email, via Kevan's blog and Facebook) as well as through weekly summations that will be available at worship.  We will get a chance to soak in the ponderings and tales of many of our members, and - best of all - respond in writing and dialogue in our journals, on line and in person.  What better way to engage our spirit and embrace and celebrate the wonder and mystery of God's love and our collective human stories?

 Pastor Kevan, Nancy Boorman and Jodi Kirk are spearheading this exciting endeavor and are looking for guest writers to share their experiences and interested in talking to anyone who has a story to share.  Please join in this opportunity to share and grow and connect !

Weekly Devotions                                                   Theme                                         
February 18-21                                 Wilderness (Pilgrimmage)             
February 22-First Sunday in Lent  Sanctuary                                        
March 1                                             Healing                                            
March 8                                             Comfort                                              
March 15                                           Struggle                                            
March 22                                           Peace                                                  
March 29                Holy Week         Obedience                                        
April 5                   Easter Sunday    God is Still Speaking                     

Let us know if you would like to "author" a devotion on one of these themes.
To sign up to receive the devotions by email, please send a note to  
To follow the devotions  on Facebook, simply “Like” Trinity UCC Wooster.
To follow the blog,     
Let us know if you prefer paper copies.

The first devotion will be posted on Ash Wednesday, February 18th.

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